Last Updated 2025-03-25

For information about this FAQ, see Section 0

  1. First Printing Production Errors and Typos
    1. Second Printing Non-Errata Changes
  2. Component and Setup Questions
  3. General Gameplay Questions (Outside Scenarios)
    1. Masteries
    2. Personal Quests
    3. Events and Traits
  4. Outpost General Questions
    1. Specific Building Questions
    2. Enhancements
    3. Building 81 Questions
  5. General Gameplay Questions (Scenarios)
    1. Rooms, Movement, Forced Movement, and Overlays
    2. Damage, Shield, Ward, and Brittle
    3. Attack Modifier Draws, Advantage, and Disadvantage
    4. Negative Conditions
    5. General Player Ability Questions and Clarifications
    6. Loot Deck Questions
    7. Objectives
    8. Monster Focus, Abilities, and Stats
    9. Scenario Allies
    10. Challenges
  6. Monster Questions
  7. General Scenario Questions
    1. Specific Scenario Questions
    2. Solo Scenario Questions
  8. Characters
    1. Drifter
    2. Blinkblade
    3. Banner Spear
    4. Deathwalker
    5. Boneshaper
    6. Geminate
    7. “Astral”
    8. “Meteor”
    9. “Shards”
    10. “Trap”
    11. “Shackles”
    12. “Snowflake”
    13. “Fist”
    14. “Kelp”
    15. “Coral”
    16. “Prism”
    17. “Drill”
  9. Items (General)
    1. Items (Specific)


0.0 Introduction

This is the official FAQ for Frosthaven. It will be continuously updated as more questions are added and existing answers are clarified. I may end up changing some headings, adding subheadings, moving questions to more appropriate areas, etc. Please use your in-browser Find function to locate answers to specific questions. The previous FAQ on the BoardGameGeek Frosthaven forum will no longer be updated, but that thread can still be used to notify me of necessary FAQ entries. When possible or necessary, I will also post changelogs with explanations in that thread.

Why github and not BoardGameGeek? Primarily, because github can be edited by multiple Cephalofair accounts, not just my personal forum account. Github also allows for features we’ve been sorely missing, like direct linking to sections, a clickable table of contents, richer formatting, and built-in version tracking. It has worked excellently for the Buttons & Bugs Living Rules, and it seemed sensible to put Official FAQs here, as well.


0.1 Spoilers

I follow official spoiler rules in this FAQ. I will spoiler-tag all locked content, and refer to locked game contents by their locked class nickname, envelope/building number, scenario number, or item number. Note that starting buildings, all cards for starter classes (including higher level cards), scenarios 0-1, Personal Quests 01-10, starting items, and abilities/statistics for common monsters are not spoilers, and will not be treated as such. Please note that your in-browser Find function can also find words behind spoiler tags on this page.


0.2 About Me

I am Bill (or dwarf74 in most places). I was a lead playtester for Frosthaven, and am currently a moderator of Reddit’s /r/Gloomhaven. I am altogether too active in Frosthaven fan communities, and I am kind of obsessive about writing guides and making lists for games I love, so Cephalofair decided to bring me on to maintain this FAQ. I’d like to give special thanks to general_cgo, gripeaway, and Nikki Valens for their help.


Most of these questions were asked by the community. If you have a question that you can’t find the answer to, I recommend starting there. Frosthaven has an active, knowledgable, and passionate group of fans who will be happy to help you out. While none of these communities are directly affiliated with Cephalofair, I am active on all three and will be notified when something needs added. Any of the three can work; use whichever is most appealing to you.

  • /r/Gloomhaven - The Gloomhaven Subreddit is for Gloomhaven, Frosthaven, and Jaws of the Lion. Spoilers are strictly moderated. There is a pinned “Small Questions” thread, or you can start your own for bigger questions.
  • BoardGameGeek Frosthaven Forums - Another active forum, and the previous home of this FAQ. Spoiler tags are appreciated, but are completely unmoderated.
  • Frosthaven Outpost Discord Server - The Frosthaven Outpost is very active, and a great place to get quick responses to questions. Spoilers are well-moderated in general channels, and there are special opt-in open spoiler channels for locked classes or for the whole campaign.


1.0 First Printing Production Errors and Typos

  • Envelopes 24, 37, 44, 85, and 90 have the wrong rule sticker numbers printed inside the flap of the envelope.
    • Envelope 24 should list sticker 10
    • Envelope 37 should list stickers 11 and 13
    • Envelope 44 should list stickers 12 and 14
    • Envelope 85 should list sticker 15
    • Envelope 90 should list stickers 1, 5, 8, and 9
  • There is a deck of cards in envelope 81 whose order should be reversed. If you pull it out and the visible card is titled “T___ of W___”, reverse the order of the deck so that card is the first drawn when the deck is face-down.
  • Town Guard Cards 1451 and 1452 should be “+2 material resources”
  • Winter road event WR-47 (back) - In the first A outcome, “winter road deck” should be “summer road deck”. In the B outcome, “Remove event WR-47 from the winter road deck” should be “Remove event SR-49 from the summer road deck”.
  • Three monster cards have misprints:
    • Chaos Demon’s “Chilling Breath” is missing the Retaliate value on elemental consumption. It should be Retaliate 2, Range 2.
    • Savvas Icestorm’s “Frozen Shell” has an incorrect Earth consumption. It should be Ice consumption.
    • Elite Wind Demon Level 0 should have Move 3.
  • The flowcharts have some errors. In all cases, the Scenario Book’s requirements are correct and should be followed.
    • On flowchart 1, scenario 10 should have a sled icon.
    • On flowchart 2, scenario 22 should have a boat icon and scenario 42 should have a boat icon.
    • On flowchart 3, scenarios 50, 54, 49, 53, and 60 are missing boat icons.
    • On flowchart 5, scenario 132 should have a climbing gear icon.
    • Scenarios 25 and 26 are exclusive but missing Lockout circles.
  • Many character sheets in early print runs have a weird typesetting issue with “fi” as in the beginning of “first”
  • Scenario 0, Section 197.1 has outdated descriptions and names of some cards.
  • Scenario 17, Section 25.3 - instead of Door 3 opening Section 62.3, this should read Door 1.
  • Scenario 18 - Map layout and map: The right 11 tile should be 11-C.
  • Scenario 28 - Archers should spawn at D and Guards at E. The exit hexes are likewise swapped.
  • Scenario 36/37 - Add the blueprint for Item 067 to the Scenario Rewards
  • Scenario 37 - Treasure Chest should be 56
  • Scenario 60 should have Item 224 as a scenario reward
  • Scenario 70 has two Random Items on the Loot Deck. This is a typo; there should be 1.
  • Scenario 71, Section 111.2 - Map: Lurker Soldier should be Lurker Clawcrusher
  • Scenario 72, Section 132.2 - The snow rocks cannot be relocated or destroyed, except via the scenario mechanics.
  • Scenario 78 has a tricky map issue - Change the Map Layout image, flipping 13-D and 13-B in that image (and also flipping 13-B in the map depiction on the intro page).
  • Scenario 104 - Second to last line of the special rules: “Ice Wraith” should be “Savvas Icestorm”
  • Scenario 104, Section Book 14.2 - Map: Ice Wraith should be Frost Demon
  • Scenario 110 - the water hexes are difficult terrain, not corridor.
  • Scenario 111 - The door positions from Section 182.2 are correct. Section 138.2 should link to Section 147.2.
  • Scenario 113, Section 154.1 - Map: Black Imp should be Forest Imp
  • Scenario 125 Door 2 is different in sections 158.4 and 108. Don’t move it after opening.
  • Scenario 130 Key - Shrike Fiend has an image of Night Demon
  • Section Book 137.3 - This should add Section 5.1, not 159.2
  • Solo Book p13 - Special rules: “Snowspeaker” should be “Icespeaker”
  • Rulebook p30 - add the following to the end of Active Bonuses - “Cards without lost icons in your active area count as being in your discard pile for the purposes of whether you can long rest and what is eligible to lose during a long rest, but don’t have to be returned to your hand when resting.”
  • Rulebook p33 - Recover is not a targeted effect.
  • Rulebook Appendix F (pg 79)
  • Boss Stat Card for Render - All instances of “totem” should be “carving”.
  • Puzzle Book p4 The 6th character on the bottom row is missing a dot.
  • Puzzle Book p26 There is an extraneous dot on the letter to the lowest left. It’s not a clue.
  • Item 049 - This item is missing a Spent symbol.
  • Item 225 - This item is a 1-hand slot item, not a chest item.
  • Building 74 Level 3
  • The following scenarios are exceeding counts for some overlay tiles: Scenario 17 (needs 5 pressure plates), Scenario 45 (only 2 barrels in game), 52 (6 Snow Rocks, only 5 in the box), 83 (too many dungeon corridors), 109 (6 single debris tiles, only 5 in the box), and 120 (only 2 barrels in game). Thanks to waitepb for collecting these and sending them to me.

Bonus - If you think you are missing two boss standees, FF and SD, you are probably not. It will become clear when you need them.


1.1 Second Printing Non-Errata Changes

In addition to the errata fixes noted above, there are a few 2nd Printing changes which aren’t the result of errata.

  • Blinkblade 3 Make It Count (bot) - the green box with Move 1 now has Move 2.
  • Shackles Level 8
  • Building 74 Conclusion


2.0 Component and First Time Setup Questions

General - As a legacy game, the general rule is that if you don’t see something referenced in the rules, it probably relates to unlockable content. Check this FAQ if you are unsure.

What should I do with the two weird coin cards (loot cards 1418 & 1419) with numbers and checkboxes? They are related to an unlockable campaign mechanic and should not be used right now. If you wish, you can put them in Envelope 74; just don’t examine the other envelope contents. (Note - 2nd Printing moved these cards to their proper envelope.)

How many of each Event deck do I use? You start each of the four Event decks with Cards 1-20 available, and shuffle those before beginning the game. See the Welcome to Frosthaven booklet for setup information like this.

What are all these stickers with rules for? As a legacy game, you will unlock new rules when certain buildings are constructed. When instructed, these will go in your rulebook. Note the sticker number issues in the errata, above, if you have First Printing.

What are challenge cards for? Should I be using them? No. They relate to an unlockable campaign mechanic. It will be clear when you should use them.

How do I get Town Guard perks? I see them on the Campaign Sheet. These are related to an unlockable campaign mechanic and should not be used yet.

What’s a Brummix Sticker? Where are Coral Shard stickers? (First Printing Only) - There are similarly-named stickers on the sticker sheets.

  • Brummix = Brummix Tracks
  • Coral Shard = Coral Crown

What’s my starting Morale? You dont use the Morale track until after Scenario 1. At this point it will be 0, plus the bonus from completing Scenario 1.

What’s my starting Prosperity? Your starting Prosperity is 1, with no checkmarks on the Prosperity track.

What’s Frosthaven’s starting Defense? Your Defense is 0, modified by your Morale bonus/penalty after Scenario 1 is completed. Walls can eventually increase your Defense. (See Outpost Questions).

Do I start the game with any Soldiers? Yes. When you begin the game, you add the Barracks to your building deck and process the Barracks’ one-time mandatory effect of +4 Soldiers.

I think I am missing two boss standees… You are probably not. If those bosses are “FF” and “SD”, it will become clear when you need them.

There’s a blank spot on the flowchart. Is this an easter egg? Should I open it? No. Leave it alone.


3.0 General Gameplay Questions (Non-Scenario)

3.1 Masteries

Can I complete my Mastery in Scenario 0? No. Scenario 0 is intentionally easy. This was added to the scenario rules in the second printing.

Do I need to complete a Mastery within a single scenario? Yes, the entire mastery must be completed within one scenario, and the scenario must have been won. It’s fine if you yourself exhausted, so long as the scenario was successfully completed. (Note that Gloomhaven Second Edition has different Mastery rules here.)

If I need to do something every round, do I still get my Mastery if I exhaust before the end of the scenario? Yes. Any mastery which requires you to do something “every round” should be read as “every round in which you perform a turn.”

Am I allowed to exhaust for a mastery that requires me to keep a summon alive until the end of a scenario? No. If you exhaust, your summons are removed from the board before the end of the scenario.


3.2 Personal Quests

My Personal Quest gives me a scenario and says to ‘follow it to its conclusion.’ What does that mean? Do I retire after the scenario? You keep going until the game explicitly tells you that your quest is complete in a gold Scenario Rewards box. A general rule is that these take more than one scenario and involve calendar entries and delays between scenarios. The character who owns the PQ must participate in these quest scenarios. It is recommended you complete any scenarios unlocked by your Personal Quest as early as possible, because there are unavoidable calendar-based delays between them.

If my PQ asks me to collect a number of herbs or resources, do I need to win a scenario for my loot to count towards the goal? You need to either win or choose to return to Frosthaven after a loss. Only resources you get to keep count towards goal progress.

If, during an Outpost Phase, I no longer qualify for retirement (for example, if I had a quest to collect gold but spent below the threshold), do I still retire? No. If you no longer meet the requirements for your PQ, you no longer retire.

If I abandon a character in the middle of a PQ that unlocks scenarios, what happens to the scenarios? They all become Incomplete and are re-locked. Any opened chests and looted random items from the loot deck remain looted.

PQ 02 Searching for the Oak -

PQ 05 Build, Not Destroy - Does a Workshop Upgrade count as experiencing a building upgrade? Yes, they are Building Upgrades in every respect including this one.

PQ 06 Team Building - There have been several questions on this one. (1) It should be read as “experience” 8 outpost events or sections; you don’t need to be the one reading them, just participate in that outpost phase. (2) You only count outpost phases with at least one name, not the number of names. (3) They don’t need to be different names.

PQ 07 Aesther Outpost - Do I retire as soon as I finish Scenario 65? No. This is the first scenario in a chain of four, total. It is recommended to complete Scenario 65 as soon as possible, because there are calendar-based delays between them. Can I do Scenario 65 before completing Scenario 1? No. Scenario 1 must be successfully completed first for both narrative and mechanical reasons.

PQ 10 Explore the Reaches - I need to finish 5 scenarios that require Workshop Upgrades. What counts for that? Only scenarios that have those upgrades specifically listed in their scenario page count for this quest.

PQ 11

PQ 19

PQ 21

PQ 23


3.3 Events and Traits

Is my Ancestry another trait? Effectively, yes, your Ancestry (quatryl, human, etc.) can operate as an additional Trait for your character. It operates like all other Traits on your character board.

Which Road or Outpost Event deck do I draw from? Draw from the Season indicated by the next unmarked box on the campaign calendar.

During an Outpost Attack, what happens if there are no more valid targets for the Attack? The Attack ends.

After a scenario, I was told to remove all cards with a certain symbol from the deck. Later, it looks like I’m supposed to add similar cards with the same symbol in. Do I add these? When you remove all cards with a symbol from event decks, you should remove them from both the Active and Inactive Decks. They are completely removed from the game.

Can I use resources in the Frosthaven Supply to pay for event card costs? Yes, as long as the cost is “collective” you can use resources on the campaign sheet. This can be done for both Road and Outpost events.

If our Outpost Event gives us a negative (or positive) condition in our next scenario, would a new character who came in during that Outpost Phase’s Downtime be subject to it? No. If a character was not present for an Outpost Event, they don’t suffer its negative or benefit from its positive effects.

If we fail a scenario but immediately re-try it, do we suffer the effects of our previous Road or Outpost Events? No; if you re-try, you disregard previous event outcomes.

If an event has us losing XP, can we go below a level threshold? No. You cannot lose XP beyond the minimum for your current level.







4.0 Outpost General Questions

How does the Prosperity track work? What are the grey boxes? Do I need to check the big boxes with numbers? The grey boxes are just there for help counting; they appear every 5 boxes. You need to mark off the big box with a number inside to actually increase to that Prosperity.

Does increasing my Prosperity add more items to the Craftsman? Kind of - it opens up new levels of the Craftsman and maybe other shops you’ve unlocked. When you improve those, you add more items to the available pool.

What happens if I gain Morale as a reward but I’m already at 20 Morale? Nothing. Morale is capped at 20.

How does the Calendar work? What week am I on? It’s not really helpful to think in terms of where you “are.” There’s basically three rules -

  1. When adding a section number to the calendar, count from the last marked box, whether it’s at the end of a scenario, another section, or an event card. (So, for example, if you mark ‘in one week’ at the end of a scenario, the section will be read on returning to Frosthaven.)
  2. When you X out a box during Passage of Time, read the section numbers from that box.
  3. Draw from the season corresponding to the next unmarked box when drawing event cards.

Does this mean I only have 9 summer outpost events during Year 1? Yes. You actually only get 9 summer road events during Year 1, too.

Do I need to return to Frosthaven after every successful scenario? Yes, unless the scenario you just completed is Linked or Force-Linked to another scenario. This is indicated by a chain link icon with a red or yellow exclamation point in the Scenario Rewards when a new scenario is first unlocked. You cannot replay a scenario you’ve successfully completed without returning to Frosthaven, and links are only one-way.

What’s Frosthaven’s starting Defense? Your Defense is 0, modified by your Morale track bonus (or penalty) after Scenario 1 is completed. It will change as your morale increases or decreases, and as walls are built.

What do the symbols for building and upgrading mean? They are, in order Prosperity Required (which is not a cost), Lumber, Metal, Hide, and Gold.

What buildings are available to me at the start of the game? You start with the Barracks, the Alchemist, the Craftsman, and the Workshop, all at Level 1.

What can I build at the start of the game?

  • You have foundations for a Logging Camp, a Mining Camp, and a Hunter’s Lodge, which can be built to Level 1 by paying the cost on the map.
  • You can build Wall Section J at Prosperity 1, like you’re at now, using the cost on the map.
  • You can Upgrade the Craftsman and Alchemist, using the costs on their building cards.
  • You can build any of the three Travel Tools as a Workshop upgrade, using the cost on its building card.

Can I build the Walls? There’s no building cards for them. There are no building cards for the walls, just map stickers. They have a permanent effect when built, which is a +5 to Frosthaven’s Defense. Only one Wall can be built at Prosperity 1; the others are available at higher Prosperity levels, as indicated on the map. They count as a build/upgrade during your Outpost Phase, and do not increase Prosperity when built.

What happens when I unlock a building envelope? You immediately place the Level 0 sticker, which represents the foundations being laid. This sticker will show you the costs to build Level 1 of the building, at which point you’d include the Level 1 card for the building in your building deck. You can look at all the envelope contents (except for the decks of cards in Envelope B and Envelope 81) immediately.

What do the Sun and the Moon mean on the building cards? The Sun effect happens during Building Operations (Step 3 of the Outpost Phase), when you sequentially go through the building card deck in order. Most operations here are optional, but any Wrecked building effects are mandatory. The Moon effects are ways to interact with the building during Downtime (Step 4 of the Outpost Phase).

If a character did not participate in a scenario, can they participate in the outpost phase afterwards? Will their traits count for event resolution? Because the Outpost Phase follows the Scenario Phase, only those who participated in the previous scenario can participate in the Outpost Phase before Downtime. New characters created during Downtime can participate in that week’s Downtime and Construction phases.

If I spend the Morale cost for an extra build/upgrade, can I upgrade the same building twice? Yes; just make sure you meet all Prosperity requirements and then upgrade it once, and then a second time to trigger any mandatory one-time effects.

I covered up the build costs for a building on the map. How much did it cost to build?

  • Mining Camp - 4 wood, 2 metal, 1 hide, 10 gold
  • Hunting Lodge - 4 wood, 1 metal, 2 hide, 10 gold
  • Logging Camp - 2 wood, 3 metal, 2 hide, 10 gold
  • Wall J - 1 Prosperity, 4 wood, 10 gold
  • Wall K - 2 Prosperity, 3 wood, 2 metal, 2 hide, 10 gold
  • Wall L - 3 Prosperity, 5 wood, 2 metal, 1 hide, 10 gold
  • Wall M - 4 Prosperity, 4 wood, 3 metal, 3 hide, 10 gold
  • Wall N - 6 Prosperity, 6 wood, 3 metal 2 hide, 10 gold


4.1 Specific Building Questions

For questions about Solo Scenarios and specific Buildings, please see section Section 7.2

How do the Workshop Upgrades work? The three methods of transportation - Climbing Tools, Sled, and Boat - are all considered Building Upgrades. They are constrained by the 1 per Construction Phase build/upgrade limit, and count towards any relevant retirement goals.

Is there a way to upgrade the Barracks? The barracks can only be upgraded under specific circumstances. You will know if you can. If you want specifics,

What happens if I gain Soldiers as a reward but I’m already at the Barracks maximum capacity? Nothing. You don’t gain the Soldiers.

Resource Buildings - How many times can we use these per outpost phase? You can collectively use each building once per outpost phase, and purchase up to as many materials as the building allows. This is once per party per outpost phase, not once per character. This means a Level 1 Mining Camp (for example) can provide only 1 metal total per outpost phase.

Resource Buildings - Who gets the resource? Who pays for it? Whenever you ‘collectively’ gain one or more resources, they can be taken by any active player or placed into the Frosthaven supply. The costs can likewise be paid by any active player. The player paying the cost does not need to be the player who receives the resource.

Building 44

  • Level 2 -
  • Level 3 -
  • Level 4 -

Building 74

Building 81 - See section 4.3 for all questions related to this building.

Building 88 -

Building 88 - Mechanic

Building 90 -


4.2 Enhancements

Note: for questions about the building effects at each level, see its building number, above. This section is for general questions about enhancements. This section will not be spoiler-tagged.

Is there a limit on the number of enhancements a character can have? No, there’s no limit. This is a change from Gloomhaven.

If I am enhancing an ability that can only affect multiple targets when an element is consumed or some other condition is met, does it cost double to enhance? Yes. If an ability has conditional multi-targets, it still costs double. This is a change from Gloomhaven.

My Summon has an inherent multi-target attack. Will enhancing its Range or Attack cost double the normal cost for a summon? Yes.


4.3 Building 81 Questions

Spoilers for Building 81

Do not look through or shuffle the deck that is included in this envelope. If you have a first printing copy of Frosthaven, you will need to reverse the order of this deck. You can quickly check this by looking at the bottom card. If it says "T___ of W______", you need to reverse the order.

Building 81, Envelope A

Building 81 Completion Rewards, Errata -

Specific Trial Questions

Trials are referred to here by their Card Number, which is in the lower left hand corner.

Trial 0355

Trial 0359


5.0 General Gameplay Questions (Scenario)

5.1 Rooms, Movement, Forced Movement, and Overlays

What is considered an ‘empty’ hex vs ‘featureless’, etc.? A ‘featureless’ hex has no overlay tiles (other than corridors or pressure plates), but may have a figure. An ‘empty’ hex has neither overlay tiles nor figures. Note that tokens (loot tokens, deathwalker shadows, etc.) won’t make a hex non-empty. It is possible to summon or spawn on hexes with loot tokens. This is a change from Gloomhaven.

I have a question about Icy Terrain… The general rule on Icy Terrain is that its extra involuntary movement inherits the kind of movement that got you onto it in the first place. If you are Pushed onto Icy Terrain, it stays a Push and follows all Push rules; it just adds hexes. If you Move onto Icy Terrain, it remains a Move Ability and follows all those rules.

Can Icy Terrain slide me into a door, thereby opening it? If you were Pushed into Icy Terrain, you cannot open a door because it’s still forced movement. If you Moved onto Icy Terrain, you must open a door that you slide into.

If Icy Terrain would slide me into an invisible enemy, do I keep moving or do I stop the slide? An invisible figure is still a figure, and it would stop the icy terrain movement effect.

Can I teleport over gaps between room tiles? If so, how do I measure the distance? There’s no hexes to count. Yes, as long as the destination tile is revealed, and the map tiles aren’t free-floating (see below). The gap area between rooms is considered part of the wall. You can use extra corridor overlays to measure the distance, if it’s not apparent.

Can I teleport to a revealed room tile that is totally disconnected from other room tiles? Completely disconnected room tiles are an unmeasurable distance apart. Only teleports that ignore distance would work in these cases. (For an example of a scenario with this kind of layout, see Scenario .)

If my move ability has Jump, can I decide not to Jump? Yes, but it must be decided at the start of your move ability. You can’t decide to start Jumping after you begin moving, or decide to stop Jumping before the formal end of the move ability. If another effect adds Jump for your move ability mid-move, you remain Jumping until the formal end of your move ability.

Can I Push and Pull with the same attack? Yes, but note that all Pushes are combined together and all Pulls are combined together into the final Push and/or Pull. You must fully complete one before you perform the other. Yes, this can make an enemy take damage from the same hazardous terrain hex twice.

Do I need Line of Sight to every hex I push an enemy into? No. While your Push target needs to be within line of sight to start the Push, it can push the target out of line of sight, and even around doors.

Can I forced move an enemy into hazardous terrain occupied by their ally, if it’s the last hex of that movement, and if the moved enemy would be killed by it? Yes, just like in Gloomhaven, this is valid as long as only one figure would be left in that hex afterwards.

Can I Push or Pull allies? Because Forced Movement is a ‘negative ability’ you can only do so if the specific ability specifies you can.

Is it possible to Push or Pull 0? Is that still considered forced movement? No. You must move the target at least 1 hex for it to be considered a forced move, or a Push/Pull ability. If a main-line forced move ability has added effects on it, you must move the target at least 1 hex for those to take effect.

Does moving back and forth between two hexes count as moving? Yes. While there is no such thing as a Move 0 in Frosthaven, you can still end up in your origin hex if you have sufficient movement.


5.2 Damage, Shield, Ward, and Brittle

When I lose a card to avoid all damage, do I lose Ward and/or Brittle? Yes. Ward’s and Brittle’s effects are considered before the Damage Negation step.

If I lose a card to avoid all damage, do I still need to mark use slots on defensive items like armor? Yes, unless you can bring the damage to 0 by other means. The order of operations for taking damage in Frosthaven means that mandatory items get used before you negate it by losing a card.

How does Shield interact with Ward and Brittle? Shield reduces damage before Ward or Brittle are applied. If I have Shield 2 and Ward and take 6 damage, the damage is first reduced to 4 by Shield, then cut in half to 2 by Ward.

Does Brittle get removed if damage is reduced to zero by shield before the Brittle step on page 25? No. Brittle will not be removed unless at least 1 damage remains before its step.

If I have both Ward and Brittle, will they both be removed if the damage is reduced to zero by shield before the Brittle/Ward step on page 25? No. Both will remain unless at least 1 damage remains before this step.

Does causing damage to myself or a Brittle ally count as removing a negative condition? Yes.

I have an ability that references the damage a monster or I have “suffered.” Is this the total damage I dealt? No. While there’s no cap to damage dealt, “damage suffered” is the result of that damage, after all ward, brittle, or negation - and is capped by the figure’s remaining HP. This goes for all figures with HP. Damage suffered is basically the equivalent of moving an hp dial.

I have an ability which refers to the damage a figure “would suffer.” Is this likewise capped by the figure’s HP? No. “would suffer” isn’t capped - it’s after shield, ward, brittle, etc., but before any damage is actually suffered.


5.3 Attack Modifier Draws, Advantage, and Disadvantage

What is the order of operations if I draw a x2 or Null on a draw with rolling modifiers? If a Null (x0) is included in the final attack modifier draws, no matter where, the final damage will always be 0. If you draw a x2, it can be inserted at any time during attack modification including at the very end. (For example, if I have an Attack 3, draw a rolling +1, and finally a x2, I can decide if my final damage is 7 (3x2) + 1 or 8 (3+1) x2.)

Which deck do my summons (like Boneshaper skeletons) draw from? All summons draw from their summoner’s deck.

If I draw multiple Heal Ally (or Heal Self) modifier draws, do they combine into one heal, or is each one separate? They all combine into one heal ability, but you can either combine them to heal one target, or split them up to heal two or more. All heals to one target are combined into a single heal, and are not treated as multiple Heal 1’s.

If I draw an attack modifier for a summon’s attack that refers to something that doesn’t make sense for it, for example gaining one of my tokens or a reference to one of my summons, how is this resolved? All class-specific mechanics are controlled by the summoner, even when drawn by a summon. You gain the benefits of these attack modifier cards.

Can you go into more detail on what draws for Advantage or Disadvantage are considered “ambiguous”? What’s considered better or worse when drawn by a monster? When you’re comparing two modifier cards for Advantage or Disadvantage, all non-numeric effects listed on the modifier card (negative conditions, shield, elements, healing, etc.) have a positive but unknown value. Conditional numeric bonuses based on the board state (like Banner Spear’s “Add +1 for each ally adjacent to the target” modifier cards) are evaluated and considered as part of the numeric value, where appropriate. The attack value is considered in cases where a x2 modifier is drawn. Items, such as the Crude Helm, that change the modifier card value, are also evaluated before a better/worse card is determined.

No other considerations for board state are included (such as an element already being strong, an enemy already being poisoned, a lack of extra targets, etc.) Rolling modifiers before the two terminal cards are also not considered; they are all included with either terminal card with Advantage, while all are discarded with Disadvantage.


  • 2x and Attack 2 vs +2: Ambiguous (2 x 2 = 2 + 2)
  • 2x and Attack 2 vs +1: 2x is better (2 x 2 > 2 + 1)
  • 2x and Attack 2 vs +2 when the target has a Crude Helm: +2 is better (the x2 effect is changed into a +1, and 2 + 1 < 2 + 2)
  • +1 Stun vs +1: +1 Stun is better (Stun has a positive but unknown value, so is always better than just +1)
  • +0 Stun vs +2: Ambiguous (Stun has a positive but unknown value, so it’s impossible to determine if its value is better than a +2.)
  • +1 Stun vs +1 Fire: Ambiguous (The two added effects can’t be compared to one another, and because both modifiers have different added effects, the numeric value doesn’t matter.)
  • +1 Stun vs +2 Fire: Ambiguous (The two added effects can’t be compared to one another, and because both modifiers have different added effects, the numeric value doesn’t matter.)
  • +0 Muddle vs +2 Stun: Ambiguous (While a player would almost certainly prefer a +2 stun, the unknown values of Muddle and Stun make them incomparable, and thus ambiguous.)

If I have Disadvantage, and draw (for example) a +1 Stun and a +0 Stun, is this ambiguous? No. While Stun, just like every other non-numeric modifier effect, has an “unknown but positive value,” it is always exactly as valuable as itself. While two different non-numeric effects can’t be compared, two identical ones can. In this case, the +1 Stun is better.

Can I choose not to infuse an element I draw on a modifier card, or is it mandatory, like on my ability cards? Unless the element is in a mandatory (!) box, elemental infusions on your modifier cards are optional.


5.4 Negative Conditions

(For Brittle, see Section 5.2; Brittle is often more a question for damage resolution.)

Does removing a summon with a negative condition count as removing a negative condition from it? No.

What happens if I get Bane on my turn while I already have Bane? While this should be rare, any new condition overwrites the old condition; Bane will now trigger at the end of your next turn. This can happen to monsters, as well.

Can I target an enemy with a condition they’re immune to? Yes. It still won’t put the condition on the enemy, but this may be important for effects like Boneshaper’s Bone Dagger. This is a change from Gloomhaven 1e

Can you explain how Curse is a negative condition? Are Curse cards in my modifier deck also negative conditions? When you are targeted by a Curse ability, you only momentarily have the Curse condition. This is long enough for you to block it with an item like Crude Shield, or for it to be blocked by a monster’s Curse immunity. It’s otherwise removed instantly when a Curse card is added to your remaining attack modifier deck. Once the Curse card is in an attack modifier deck, the Curse is no longer considered a negative condition.


5.5 General Player Ability Questions and Clarifications

If I have an Ability with a “Target All” can I choose to exclude some targets? If there isn’t a Mandatory box, and it’s not a negative effect on you or your allies, you can choose to exclude targets from a Target All effect.

Can I skip targets in a red hex AoE attack? Yes; a red hex AoE just determines the hexes where your potential targets are. Note - this is a change from the Gloomhaven 1e FAQ, and is to make it consistent with all other non-mandatory targeting.

Can I skip the heal ability from long resting or the Regenerate condition? Yes.

If I am making a Red Hex AoE attack, and an enemy spawns in the middle of my attack ability within the red hexes, can I attack them? No, the enemy needs to have been present at the start of the red hex attack ability.

If I have a way to reduce ranges, can I reduce them to 0? No. Range 1 is the minimum.

If an attack’s range is reduced down to 1, does it become a melee attack? No. It remains a ranged attack with Range 1 (so it will usually have disadvantage on the attack).

Is Loot a “ranged ability”? No.

I have an ability that says “all enemies and allies take damage” but it’s not in a Mandatory bubble. Can I decide not to affect my allies? There is a relevant GH2e rulebook change here that should be considered as a Frosthaven ruling. You can’t perform just part of a “sentence.” Because this ability is not mandatory, it can be skipped entirely - but if you perform it, it affects all allies and all enemies.

I have an attack modifier that references the position of an enemy. Does the enemy need to survive for this to function? If the modifier is part of the attack ability (that is, a modifier draw or a rider on an attack without an ability separator line), it functions even if the enemy is killed by the attack.

What does “adjacent” mean when we’re talking about placing or triggering an overlay in an occupied hex? The general rule is that a figure’s own hex is considered adjacent to them for their own targeting purposes - however, their targets’ own hexes are not adjacent to them. So if you were placing an overlay in a hex adjacent to yourself, you could target your own hex as long as it meets all the criteria for the ability. However, if you were placing it adjacent to another figure, it would have to be in one of the six hexes around them and not directly underneath them. (Note that Deathwalker’s shadows break this general rule.)

What’s the difference between “Allies gain…” and “Grant allies…” when it comes to shield, retaliate, etc.? A persistent or round bonus which says “Allies gain…” or “Allies have…” is performed by you, and only applies to allies who presently fit the condition when they would use it; usually this has a range limitation. On the other hand, a Grant lets the ally perform the ability - and once granted, it’s theirs for the duration. In short -

  • An effect which says “Adjacent allies gain Shield 1,” applies to allies who are adjacent to you, but is not kept when they move away. By the same token, an ally moving into range of the effect can gain it even if they weren’t there when the ability was played. Colloquially, these are sometimes called “auras” by the community. Banner Spear 3 Example
  • An effect which says “Grant all adjacent allies Shield 1” means they can immediately perform a Shield 1 (Self) ability (if able), and it lasts until the card is lost or discarded, even if they move away from you this round. Banner Spear 5 Example

Can my Initiative be below 01 or above 99 after applying items or ability effects? Yes; initiative can be any number, in theory.

Is my Long Rest at Initiative 99, or is it always last in order? Your Long Rest takes place at Initiative 99. It is not necessarily last in order; if a game effect pushes a figure’s initiative above 99, it will act after your long rest. Your long rest will be performed before monster turns on Initiative 99, and is ambiguously timed with other players acting at 99. This is a change from the Gloomhaven 1e FAQ

What does “end of turn” mean? If I have a persistent ability that lets me do things at the “end of my turn,” how is that timed relative to elemental infusion, or losing a Stun? While all of these say “end of turn,” they’re not all timed equally. There is an “end of player turn” phase of sorts, where players can still perform appropriate abilities (example: Geminate’s “Harvest the Essence”). Then, once all abilities are complete, there’s an “end of turn wrap-up,” during which (1) infused elements are moved to Strong, (2) “end of turn” conditions expire, and (3) a character performs end of turn looting. These three wrap-up steps are ambiguously timed with one another, and can only start once a player formally concludes their turn. Some other effects, like a Geminate’s form change, can also take place during this step, but no Abilities can be performed.

Granted Attacks - Is there a difference between a Commanded or Granted Attack +X and Attack X? Yes; see below.

  • Both Attack +X and Attack X will inherit all special attack modifiers for a monster or character summon. This includes extra targets, added conditions, attack patterns, etc.
  • Attack X is always a melee attack at the value provided. It can be granted to a non-objective figure that does not have an inherent Attack value.
  • Attack +X depends on the monster’s or summon’s inherent attack value. For monsters, this attack is always melee. For a Summon, however, it will inherit any Range characteristic the Summon always has (if any).

I have a Grant ability with an elemental consumption, for example Boneshaper’s Level 1 Dark Tidings. Who consumes this element? The Boneshaper or the target of the Grant? The granting figure performs any elemental consumptions, and gains earned XP from it (if any). If one Grant ability grants abilities to more than one target, all of them will benefit from one elemental consumption. The target of the Grant still performs any granted abilities like normal, including new abilities enabled by the elemental consumption.

Errata for Active Bonuses and Resting - “Cards without lost icons in your active area count as being in your discard pile for the purposes of whether you can long rest and what is eligible to lose during a long rest, but don’t have to be returned to your hand when resting.” For example, if a Boneshaper has two skeleton cards active and zero cards in their discard pile, they can still declare a Long Rest. At the end of this Long Rest, they must Lose one of their active summons.


5.6 Loot Deck Questions

What should I do with the two weird coin cards (loot cards 1418 & 1419) with numbers and checkboxes? They are related to an unlockable campaign mechanic and should not be used right now. If you wish, you can put them in Envelope 74; just don’t examine the other envelope contents. (Note - 2nd Printing moved these cards to their proper envelope; This is repeated from Section 2.0)

How do I read the loot cards? What do the text and symbols mean? Resource cards, by default, give you 1 or 2 total resources of their type. Some give 2 for 2 players only. Some give 2 for 2 players or 3 players. At 4 players, they always give 1 unless the card is somehow modified.

What happens if I run out of cards in the loot deck? There is no more loot in the scenario. The loot deck represents a cap on total loot available. This is important because spawned and summoned monsters drop loot tokens in Frosthaven.

What deck should I be using if I draw a loot card with a Random Item on it? These have a purple back and a gold cost, and are numbered 168-192. The blue deck contains random blueprints, which have different uses.

If a random item or chest reward item has -1’s, would I have to add them for the rest of the scenario? You can choose not to equip it. If you do equip it and don’t have a perk to ignore negative item effects, you’ll have to add the -1’s.

If I replay a scenario in Campaign Mode but I have already looted the random item, do I keep the random item card in the deck anyway? No. If the random item has been looted already, just leave this card out of the deck.

Do my summons drop loot tokens when they are killed? No. Only enemy monsters can drop loot tokens.


5.7 Objectives

Does destroying an objective count as a “kill” for abilities or battle goals? No. Objectives are destroyed, not killed.

Can an allied Objective be healed? Yes.

Can I move through an allied Objective? Not without Jump or Fly. (Note - this is covered under Move abilities in the rulebook on page 24, not under Objectives.)

If an Objective occupies more than one hex, can I attack it more than once with a red hex AoE pattern that targets more than one of its hexes? No. No matter how many hexes an Objective occupies, it’s still just one figure.

If an Objective occupies more than one hex, can I target the hex furthest from me? Say, if I’m adjacent to one hex, can I target my ranged attack at a non-adjacent one to avoid disadvantage? Or to avoid melee Retaliate? Yes and No. Even though the Objective occupies more than one hex, it’s still just one figure, so if you are adjacent to it you’ll still have Disadvantage and/or suffer Retaliate. But, with that said, all hexes of the Objective are targetable, for red hex patterns or (e.g.) Geminate’s precise ranges.


5.8 Monster Focus, Abilities, and Stats

If a monster with a ranged attack is adjacent to one enemy, but could attack another enemy without disadvantage, which enemy will it attack? Monster focus doesn’t consider disadvantage. It will always prioritize the adjacent enemy in this case. If the monster would lose disadvantage by moving away from its focus, if it can do so with its current movement, and if it can do so without entering a negative hex, it will. It will move as little as it can, in order to lose disadvantage.

Will a monster enter a negative hex (a trap or hazardous terrain) if it’s the only way to attack an enemy this turn? Usually not. A monster’s first focus priority is to choose a hex from which they can attack an enemy, using the least possible movement, preferring “safe” paths of any length over any paths with negative hexes. They will choose a safer path even if it’s much longer, and even if it means they can’t attack their focus this turn. They will only choose a path with one or more negative hexes if it’s the only way to attack any enemy, ever, looking at the current state of the board, pretending the monster has infinite movement. Remember - path length is part of selecting a monster’s focus, not something done after focus has been selected. Monsters will focus on an enemy that’s apparently further away, by range, if it means they can avoid entering negative hexes. See the steps on p74 of the rulebook for examples.

If an enemy must move through a choice of traps, will it consider the strength of those traps when determining which one to move through? No, monsters will take into account the number of negative hexes, but not the strength or effects of them. When it’s otherwise ambiguous, you can resolve ambiguity in your favor. Note that they will always prefer a path with zero negative hexes, regardless of length, just like normal.

Will enemies also avoid difficult terrain or icy terrain? Not necessarily. Difficult and icy terrain are not considered “negative hexes.”

Are monsters aware of the effects of difficult and icy terrain? Can icy terrain be used to “trick” monsters? Monsters are aware of the effects of both icy and difficult terrain, and take their effects into account when making their focus determinations and selecting their movement paths. They will not slide into a negative hex “accidentally.” It’s possible that icy terrain could make a path to a seemingly-distant enemy shorter than a closer one; the monster will, as always, focus first on the enemy they can attack with the least movement spent.

If a monster is trying to make a multi-target attack this turn, but does not have enough movement to attack any targets, will it move towards its primary focus or towards a position to potentially maximize the attack? It will move towards its primary focus.

How does a monster with a multi-target attack choose its destination hex and its additional targets? Do you use focus rules to determine targets other than the primary focus? As long as a monster is (a) still attacking their primary focus, (b) avoiding additional negative hexes, (c) attacking as many additional targets as possible, (d) minimizing the amount of disadvantage, and (e) minimizing move distance (in that order), players can choose the final destination hex and secondary, tertiary, etc. targets. Unlike Gloomhaven, monsters do not use a focus process for finding additional targets, and players have a lot of latitude in choosing their additional targets. This is a change from Gloomhaven

When a monster is attacking more than one target, what order are those attacks made in? The actual order of attacks is ambiguous. Players can determine the attack order once all targets are determined. The primary focus does not need to be attacked first. If a target has a Retaliate value, it’s possible to kill a monster before all its attacks are made. This applies to both Target X and red hex AoE attack abilities.

How does a monster move if it has a move but no attacks on its action card this turn? It finds focus and moves as if it were making a melee attack, even if this takes it out of range for its non-attack abilities.

How do monster Pushes and Pulls work? Can I choose a path which prevents them from pushing or pulling me less than the maximum amount? A path must be chosen that pushes or pulls you the maximum amount possible, considering the whole path. You cannot, for example, choose a hex that would stop a push by a wall or obstacle if there’s another valid path which avoids it. If there is nearby Icy Terrain, monsters will consider its effect while trying to maximize their forced movement abilities. This is a change from Gloomhaven.

If a monster is attacking me and the attack will Impair me, can I use my shield or armor against this attack? Yes, as long as you’re not already Impaired. You will gain the condition when the attack concludes, just like any other negative condition.

How do monster Infusions and Consumptions work? Frosthaven works differently from Gloomhaven, here. If there’s an Infusion or Consumption on their ability card, those elements will be Infused or Consumed if any monster in the set performs any ability on it, even if that ability isn’t modified by the elemental consumption. Note that some abilities - like “suffer damage” - are not targeted, and will be performed even if no enemies are in range.

  • Example 1 - Earth Demons’ Nothing Special says “Move +0 Attack +0, Infuse Earth.” If they can neither move nor attack this round, Earth will not be infused.
  • Example 2 - The Earth Demons’ Ground Slam says, “Move -1, Attack -1 target all adjacent; consume earth to add Push 1”. Even if no Earth Demons can attack, they will still consume the Earth as long as at least 1 of them moves, because they are still performing an ability on the card. This is a change from Gloomhaven.

Does this apply to “standalone” abilities tied to elemental consumption? For example, if a Night Demon can consume dark to perform Invisible Self, does it need to also move or attack? If an elemental consumption would enable a standalone ability, the monster set will consume it to perform the ability even if it is performing no other abilities on its card. In this specific case, all Night Demons would consume dark to turn Invisible even if none also move or attack.

When does a Monster consume an element? When does a Monster infuse an element? If any monster in a set is going to perform any ability this round, elements are consumed at the start of the first monster in the set’s turn, and elements are infused after the last monster in the set’s turn. All monsters in the set benefit from any elemental consumption.


5.9 Scenario Allies

I have a Scenario Ally (or enemy) who “can’t be interacted with.” What does this mean? A figure who “can’t be interacted with” occupies their space. They can be moved through by allies, but not by enemies. They cannot be targeted by any attacks or abilities, cannot be damaged, and will never draw focus. They are affected normally by obstacles, icy, and difficult terrain - but do not treat traps or hazardous terrain as negative hexes. They do not spring traps and cannot be affected by them. They cannot be used for Banner Spear formations or anything that counts allies or ally positioning except things explicitly called out in the scenario rules.


5.10 Challenges

Note that each Challenge card has a name. For lack of a clear better option, I am using these names to identify which one a FAQ entry refers to. There are, I suppose, minor spoilers in this section as a necessity.

What are Challenges? Should I be using them? While you shuffle the Challenge deck during game setup, they are not supposed to be used until the mechanic for them is unlocked. You will know when you’re able to start including them in your game, and what they do. While their existence is not a spoiler, their purpose and contents are.

General note on single vs. multi-target attacks -

Barbed -

Keep Watch -


6.0 Monster Questions

What are the little symbols on some monster stat cards for? These are for locked campaign mechanics. You will know what they mean when it’s time.

Algox Priests

How do Algox Priests move if they draw a card which has them just moving and healing? Any time a monster has a non-attacking turn, they focus and move like they are making a melee attack. You don’t consider the Heal ability for their movement; it’s possible moving towards an enemy may even take them out of range for their healing ability. If there are monsters in range after this move (including the priest itself), it will heal the monster in range with the most damage tokens on it. If there is a tie, players can choose which enemy is healed. Conditions aren’t considered when picking a Heal target.

Burrowing Blades

Is the movement path for Tunneling Slices chosen to maximize targets? In this case and all similar ones, the attack is a rider on the move, and a move ability doesn’t have multi-target. A player can resolve ambiguity among multiple equal paths to minimize targets.

Will the Blades attack with Tunneling Slices if they are already adjacent to the furthest enemy? No. The attack is a rider on the move. No move means no attack.

How is focus determined for Tunneling Slices? Basically - it is completely analogous to normal focus rules, except the Burrowing Blades is focusing on the farthest enemy instead of the closest (“farthest” being defined first by longest jump movement distance to reach a (preferably) safe and legal attack hex assuming infinite movement, and then tiebroken by longest range). The enemy must still be a valid target - not invisible, and with at least one open hex from which the Blades could attack. It will still tiebreak by initiative just like normal, and will still move like any other monster once focus is determined. All other normal focus considerations still apply, like avoiding negative destination hexes when possible, and potentially choosing another focus if all available hexes around the furthest enemy are negative.

Chaos Demon

What is the Retaliate value on Chilling Breath? It is Retaliate 2, Range 2. This was a production error (see Section 2 of the FAQ).

Flaming Bladespinner

Is the movement path for Spinning Charge chosen to maximize targets? In this case and all similar ones, the attack is a rider on the move, and a move ability doesn’t have multi-target. A player can resolve ambiguity among multiple equal paths to minimize targets.

Will the Bladespinner attack with Spinning Charge if they are already adjacent to the furthest enemy? No. The attack is a rider on the move. No move means no attack.

How is focus determined for Spinning Charge? Basically - it is completely analogous to normal focus rules, except the Bladespinner is focusing on the farthest enemy instead of the closest (“farthest” being defined first by longest jump movement distance to reach a (preferably) safe and legal attack hex assuming infinite movement, and then tiebroken by longest range). The enemy must still be a valid target - not invisible, and with at least one open hex from which the Blades could attack. It will still tiebreak by initiative just like normal, and will still move like any other monster once focus is determined. All other normal focus considerations still apply, like avoiding negative destination hexes when possible, and potentially choosing another focus if all available hexes around the furthest enemy are negative.

Frozen Corpse

How does the elemental consumption on Thawed Strike work? This card was written before the FH elemental consumption rules were finalized. If any Corpse performs any ability, they will consume Fire. Any Corpse performing a Move ability (keeping in mind this has to be 1 or more hexes) during their turn will take 2 damage.

Ice Wraith

If an Ice Wraith is Stunned during a turn when it would switch forms, does it switch forms? No, a stunned ice wraith will not switch forms.

What’s the timing for changing forms? Do Ice Wraiths all change at once, or one at a time? One at a time. Each will activate and change on their own turn.

How do summons focus on a round where Ice Wraiths have changed forms? Summons will focus on Ice Wraiths based on the current state of the board, and prioritize the new Elites over the former Elites.

How does a Named Ice Wraith work? Are they elite? Normal? Change form? Isaac: “The intention was that named Ice Wraiths would switch forms (this is the main reason normals and elites always have the same hit point value). That is on pretty shaky ground with the rules, though, because they’re explicitly called out as not elite, and because the red bases are used, it is even difficult to track. Gonna be messy either way, but I would say to go with the intent, have them switch, and recommend using normal white/yellow bases (or white/red bases) in those cases.”

Lightning Eel

What happens if I destroy or relocate a water tile an eel is currently occupying? The eel treats non-water hexes as obstacles, so will immediately relocate to the closest water hex. (Note that, unlike Gloomhaven, there is no damage caused by this movement in Frosthaven.) In the event there’s no unoccupied water tiles, they just remain in the hex they’re in until able to legally move elsewhere.

Can Lightning Eels be force moved out of water? No. Non-water hexes are obstacles to Lightning Eels.

Living Doom

Is it possible for Call for Souls to summon zero Living Spirits? Yes.

Lurker Soldier

How does Berserk Rage work? The Soldier can target its normal amount of enemies (note the lack of ‘all’ here), but can target enemies within 2 hexes for this attack. These remain melee attacks.

Lurker Mindsnipper

How does Turn the Weak work? First, the Mindsnipper finds focus, moves, and attacks as any multi-target enemy will. Then, it makes the listed attacks against its targets. Note, if it has innate Muddle, it will muddle the targets at this point. After those attacks resolve, any enemy that was targeted will be forced to attack an adjacent ally using standard focus priority rules. The enemy will draw from its own modifier deck for this attack. Because this is specifically an Attack 3, this will always be a melee attack, even if this targets one of your Summons with an inherent range. If this targets a Summon or scenario ally with special attack characteristics (like adding Wound to all attacks), those will apply, here.

Lurker Wavethrower

If we run out of water tiles, can the Wavethrower make more? Yes. Overlay tiles are not supposed to be component-limited. Use a proxy tile.

What kind of terrain do the Wavethrower’s water tiles count as? They count as whatever Water is defined as in the scenario key - or, in absence of that, as Difficult Terrain.

Wind Demon

Should Level 0 Elites have more movement than Level 1 Elites? Level 0 Elites should have Move 3. This is errata.


7.0 General Scenario Questions

Do I need to return to Frosthaven after every successful scenario? Yes, unless the scenario you just completed is Linked or Force-Linked to another scenario. This is indicated by a chain link icon with a red or yellow exclamation point in the Scenario Rewards when a new scenario is first unlocked. You cannot replay a scenario you’ve successfully completed without returning to Frosthaven, and links are only one-way.

I don’t understand the difference between Campaign and Casual mode. What does all this mean? Generally, scenarios are played in Campaign Mode. Casual Mode is primarily for re-playing already played scenarios, but with zero game impacts.

  • Casual Mode: You get no resources, XP, quest progression, etc. You don’t draw any events, and there’s no Outpost Phase afterwards. It is really just playing the game to enjoy it, with zero campaign impact.
  • Campaign Mode: If you replay a scenario in Campaign Mode, you can earn resources, XP, any unlooted treasure chests, and random items from the loot deck if you didn’t already get them. You won’t get the Scenario Rewards if you’ve already won the scenario. You may need to resolve a road event if you’re replaying a scenario outside of Frosthaven. After the scenario, you will have an Outpost Phase, where time will pass.

Can I replay a scenario to loot an unlooted treasure chest? Isn’t that Casual Mode? In Frosthaven, if you want to loot an unlooted chest, you would have to replay the scenario in Campaign Mode. You would run the scenario just like you ran it the first time, except you do not receive any Scenario Rewards for completion. (Just the loot, chests, xp, etc.)

What about a random scenario from the random dungeon deck? How do those fit in? Random scenarios can be played in either Casual Mode or Campaign Mode; it is up to you. See above for the differences. Random scenarios do not require a Road Event.

If I lose a scenario but we choose to replay it, do I keep any Random Items we found? What about gold from loot cards? You keep all gold (including that gained from loot cards), anything gained from treasure chests (even if it contained Resources), random items from the loot deck, and XP earned from your action cards. You do not keep any other Resources, including those gained via item usage.

Why are some scenario markers in grey and some in green? All are considered to share the same marker, but there’s only enough physical markers for the green ones.

How much scenario information are we allowed to look at while trying to decide which one to go to next? Can I look at the loot tables, the monsters, etc. before picking in order to get PQ progress? You can look at anything on the main page(s) of the scenario - including the loot deck, layout, complexity, monster list, presence of treasure tiles, etc. - but not any section links.

If there is a calculation, but no indication of the direction of rounding, what direction do you round? Usually a calculation will tell you the intended direction of rounding. If it does not, assume it rounds up.

This scenario has a boss with a number of health thresholds. What happens if we reduce a boss below two of these at once - or even all the way to 0 health? The first pending section must be resolved before anything else can happen, and the boss isn’t considered dead yet. Generally, these sections will reset the boss’s health to a certain amount; the intent is that they can’t be killed by a single strong attack. The section (or first section if there’s more than one) needs to be resolved before anything else.

Do I need to kill enemies that have not yet spawned in order to beat a scenario with a goal of “When all enemies in it are dead”? Yes. Enemies on set spawns for specific rounds are still considered “in the scenario” and must be defeated in order to fulfill that win condition.


7.1 Specific Scenario Questions

Scenario 0 - Masteries cannot be completed in this scenario. This is a printed rule in the second printing.

Scenario 1 - Although the City Guards don’t take turns, they expire “end of next turn” conditions (such as Disarm and Immobilize) on Initiative 50.

Scenario 2 -

Scenario 4

The special rules should not mention Priests. There are no Priests in this scenario.

Scenario 4, Section 75.1 -

Scenario 4, Conclusion -

Scenario 7 (conclusion) -

Scenario 9, Section 26.1 -

Scenario 10, Section 65.3 -

Scenario 11 -

Scenario 13 -

Scenario 15 -

Scenario 16 - Section 27.2

Scenario 17 - Section 25.3

Scenario 21 - Section 51.1

Scenario 22 - Section 41.2

Scenario 24 -

Scenario 28 -

Scenario 29 (conclusion) -

Scenario 30 (conclusion) -

Scenario 34 -

Scenario 36 (conclusion) -

Scenario 37 (conclusion) -

Scenario 38, Section 23.1 -

Scenario 39 -

Scenario 40 (conclusion) -

Scenario 45 -

Scenario 49 -

Scenario 50 -

Scenario 54 -

Scenario 55 (conclusion) -

Scenario 56 - Section 3.2

Scenario 58 (conclusion) -

Scenario 59 (conclusion) -

Scenario 60

Scenario hexes are only treated as water hexes for Lightning Eel summoning and movement, and not for any other purpose. You can place water hexes in the scenario as normal with relevant items and abilities.

Boss Special Rules: The intent for 'everlasting' elements is that they become Strong at the start of every figure's turn. Even with this special, a single element cannot be consumed twice in a single turn.

Section 115.4 -

Conclusion -

Scenario 62 -

Scenario 63 -

Scenario 65 - Section 89.1 -

Scenario 70 -

Scenario 71 - Section 111.2 -

Scenario 72 - Section 132.2 -

Scenario 73 and Coral Class (Spoilers for both) -

Scenario 77

Scenario 78 -

Scenario 81 -

Scenario 82 - If you have questions on how some aspects of this scenario operate, please reference this thread

Scenario 83 -

Scenario 83 and Building 88 -

Scenario 84 -

Scenario 90 -

Scenario 92 -

Scenario 96 -

Scenario 97 -

Scenario 99 -

Scenario 101 -

Scenario 104 -

Scenario 107 - Section 168.4 -

Scenario 109 -

Scenario 110 -

Scenario 111 -

Scenario 117 -

Scenario 118 -

Scenario 120 -

Scenario 122, Section 98.1

Scenario 134 -


7.2 Solo Scenario Questions

Can I gain Masteries or Battle Goals during a Solo Scenario? Can I progress my PQ? Do I gain Inspiration? You can pursue Masteries and Battle Goals, but solo scenarios are probably enough of a challenge without them! You can also progress towards retirement. You do not gain Inspiration - Inspiration is based on party size, and both the minimum and maximum party size for a solo scenario is 1.

Do I need to kill enemies that have not yet spawned in order to beat this solo scenario? Many solo scenarios have a win condition of “when all enemies in it are dead” along with set spawns for specific rounds. (See: Banner Spear, Geminate, Deathwalker, etc.) Spawns that haven’t appeared yet are still considered part of the scenario, and must be defeated.

Can I level up, craft, purchase items, or purchase enhancements after my solo scenario is complete? These activities need to wait until the next campaign Downtime phase, whenever that happens over the normal course of play. Solo scenarios take place outside of the normal Scenario/Outpost flow, and those activities are limited to Downtime.

Building 42 Mechanic and Solo Scenarios

Building 74 Mechanic and Solo Scenarios

Building 81 Mechanic and Solo Scenarios

Building 88 Mechanic and Solo Scenarios

Building 90 Mechanic and Solo Scenarios

Trap Solo Scenario

Astral Solo Scenario


8.0 Characters

Drifter Icon 8.1 Drifter

When do I get XP for my persistent abilities? Only when moving forward on the track, never when moving backwards, even if you pass an XP marker. When the token moves forwards again, you can get that XP again.

Let’s say I am on the last charge of Crushing Weight (1). If I attack with the top of Sustained Momentum, can I keep Crushing Weight up on its last charge? No. The attack has already dropped Crushing Weight off the last use slot, and the card was already lost. This same answer applies for any other similar abilities; once you use the last use slot, the card is lost immediately after the ability concludes.

How does Precision Aim (1) work with a multitarget attack ability if I run out of use slots? Does it stay active with +1 range for all attacks? If you are using a red hex AoE ability such as Destructive Fury (bottom), the range is set by the first attack, and you keep that range for the whole ability. Otherwise, you instantly lose the range bonus when you run out of charges.

What does the Continuous Health (1) persistent bonus add to? It adds to any Heal abilities you perform, whether for yourself or others. It includes healing from Long Rests, Regenerate, and items like the Amulet of Health. Note that the Heal abilities from Regenerate and Long Rests are optional, and you can skip them if you’d like.

How long do the Shields from Unbreakable and Chunk of Flesh last? Each use slot of these persistent abilities lasts for one attack that’s dealing damage.

Can I choose not to use my persistent ability? No. Like all use slot persistents and items, these are mandatory whenever the trigger conditions are met.

Can I use my Scavenger perk to help me complete a loot-based PQ like A Study of Plants? No. These quests specify “through loot tokens” so this perk can’t help with them.


Blinkblade Icon 8.2 Blinkblade

General Note about Range modifications - You have several abilities which add Range to a Melee attack. Note that if you add Range to a Melee attack, you add the modifier to 1 and it becomes a Ranged attack. (So if you use Kinetic Transfer top while Slow, your Attack becomes Ranged and has Range 2.) As it says on your board, this range modification is mandatory and cannot be skipped.

What does “Mandatory” mean on the player board for Fast and Slow Attacks and Abilities?

  • All added abilities are mandatory. (See below for a detailed explanation.)
  • All added effects must be applied to the ability they are tied to, but once that is done, the player can use that ability as normal (i.e. not apply a wound, not attack extra targets).
  • If an ability or effect has the player pay a cost to trigger something (i.e. spending a time token or poisoning themselves), the player doesn’t have to pay the cost and can instead skip the trigger.

What does it mean that added Abilities are mandatory? Does this mean I must Move if I use Twin Strike (1, top) while Fast? Does this mean I must Attack if I use Precision Timing (4, bot) while Fast? Yes to both. If you are able to perform the added ability when it comes up during your action, you must do so.

  • With an added Move, you must move at least 1 hex if you are able to; there is no Move 0 in Frosthaven. You can generally move right back into the hex you exited if you have at least Move 2.
  • With an added Attack, if you are within range of a targetable enemy, you must perform the Attack. You are not forced to use a Move to get within range of a targetable enemy, are not compelled to add any additional effects, and are not forced to attack the maximum targets. But, you must perform an Attack if you can.
  • If you are unable to perform the added ability (because you are Immobilized, surrounded by enemies, there is no enemy in range of an attack, you are Disarmed, etc.) a mandatory Fast or Slow ability is still skipped.
  • Note that this does not apply to abilities which are just modified by (as opposed to added by) Fast or Slow timing; those can be skipped as normal.

If I use a Default Action, do the Fast or Slow effects apply? No, the default Move 2 and Attack 2 are not affected by the Fast or Slow modifiers on that card half. You are still Fast or Slow for all other considerations.

Hit and Run (1, bottom) - What qualifies as an “attack action” here? If I use the top of Twin Strike, but never make an attack, will I be able to Move 3 afterwards? You need to perform at least one attack ability during an action for it to be considered an attack action. Note that Attacks provided by items aren’t Actions or parts of Actions.

Overdrive (1) - When do I gain the Shield 1 if I am going Slow? As soon as Slow is declared; it is active the entire round.

Blurry Jab (1) - If I’m Fast, can I choose not to Wound? While it is mandatory that Fast effect has turned this into an Attack 4 Wound, you may, as always, choose not to apply the Wound effect to the Attack 4.

Fractured Timeline (9, top) - If I spawn a summoning ally, are their summons also my allies? No. In all cases for all classes, when you are controlling a monster, you don’t control their summons. Their summons will be enemies to you (and to them).

Reverse the Flow (9, top) - Can I use an item like Boots to enhance my Move ability before turning it into an Attack ability? No. You need to decide to use a Move ability as an Attack ability before performing the ability; you can’t improve an ability you never performed. You can, however, use items which improve attacks once you do so.


Banner Spear Icon 8.3 Banner Spear

How much can I communicate with my party about where I would like them to be for a formation? The only things you can’t communicate are specific numbers and specific card names. (This includes things that are “basically numbers” - like “voting age” or “exactly half” or something similar.) Everything else is allowed and frankly, for Banner Spear, encouraged. You can tell people where you need to be, ask where they will end up, ask them if they can go to a certain hex, tell them the kinds of conditions you’ll be applying, the specific monsters you hope to attack, etc. It’s okay if this lets them guess your card, your initiative, etc. - that’s part of learning to work together as a team.

Can my Banners move if I grant them move abilities? Yes, and it’s very important for keeping them relevant! Remember that when you Grant a summoned ally any ability, you decide how they execute it - such as where they move. Also note that while you can grant a Banner Move X (like Move 2), abilities which grant Move +X (like Move +2) won’t work because the Banner has no innate movement stat.

Do my Banners grant me their bonuses? Yes, they are Summons; you are your Banner’s ally.

Do my Banners count as allies for formation attacks? Yes, they are allies, just like any summon.

Can I modify the patterns for my formation attacks? Yes, but only within the same limits as any Area of Effect pattern. You can rotate it around, and you can ‘mirror’ flip it as well. For example, on Combined Effort you may be to the right or left of your ally.

Do I need Line of Sight to my blue hex ally? Yes.

Can my blue hex ally be on the other side of a wall from me? Yes, as long as you have Line of Sight to them.

Can I use items like Crude Spear for an attack like Combined Effort (1), which has a single red hex? No. An attack with a red hex AoE pattern is not considered a “single target attack” for purposes of item use, no matter how many enemies you are targeting with it.

Can I use items like 136 to change the pattern of an attack like Combined Effort (1), which has a single red hex? No. A red hex AoE pattern is not considered a “single target attack” for purposes of item use, no matter how many enemies you are targeting with it.

How does my Formation Attack mastery work? You must attack at least three enemies in each of three different formation attack actions. The enemies do not need to be different, but the formation actions do. This Mastery is generally not possible until Level 3 at the earliest, though some items may enable it.

Set for the Charge (1, top) - The top works on forced movement as well as normal movement.

At All Costs (1, top) - Is the self-damage rolled into one ‘source’ or do I take 1 damage individually for each ally whose HP increases? Each instance of 1 damage is treated as an individual source of damage.

Some formation attack actions like Let Them Come (3) have abilities after the attack which reference the attack’s hexes. Do I need to perform the attack to perform these abilities? Yes. An ability in an action with a formation attack that references the attack’s hexes requires the formation attack to have been performed. In the case of Let Them Come, if no enemies were attacked in this formation, no heal takes place.

Boldening Blow (4, top) - The “target one enemy” limitation applies to both the Attack and the Disarm. You are attacking and disarming one target in the red hexes.


Deathwalker Icon 8.4 Deathwalker

General Rules Updates from Second Printing

  • Placed shadows should be considered adjacent to their own hexes for all purposes, not just for targeting. When you place a new shadow, though, follow normal adjacency rules. (Note that this rule is on the Deathwalker board in Second Printing)
  • If scenario rules force you to move character summons onto a newly revealed tile, also move your Shadows in the same way on your initiative. (Note that this rule is on the Deathwalker board in Second Printing)

What does ‘as if I occupied a hex with a shadow’ mean? All parts of the attack ability are performed as if the Deathwalker was standing where the shadow is. If there’s a Banner of Strength out, the shadow needs to be in its aura, not the Deathwalker. If there’s a pull or push rider on the attack, it’s measured from the shadow token, not the Deathwalker. In every respect except for Retaliate, the Deathwalker is considered to be in that hex for the attack.

Do I suffer Retaliate damage when I attack ‘as if I occupied’ a hex with a Shadow (example: Fluid Night)? Only if the Deathwalker herself is within the target’s Retaliate range. Retaliate can’t go to you “through” the shadow.

Do I need Line of Sight to perform an ‘as if I occupied’ attack? Line of Sight is drawn from the shadow token when you perform these abilities. Neither it nor the enemy needs to be within line of sight of the Deathwalker.

Is an ‘as if I occupied’ attack melee or ranged? If there is no range specified, these count as melee attacks. If there is a range listed, they are ranged attacks.

How can I tell if an attack is melee or ranged? For example, Deepening Despair (2, top) A range icon means an attack is ranged. Without “as if you occupy” wording, it means your figure needs line of sight to the target. So, a card like Deepening Despair is ranged.

Can my Shadow tokens open doors? Can they go to unrevealed rooms? Can they be placed on hexes with closed doors? No. Closed doors are treated as Walls until opened, and only characters can open doors (barring any specific scenario rules which overrule that).

Do shadows I have to remove because I’m over the limit count for my Masteries? Yes.

If I draw multiple Heal Ally modifier draws, do they combine into one heal, or is each one separate? They all combine into one heal ability, but you can either combine them to heal one ally, or split them up to heal two or more. All heals to one ally are combined into a single heal, and are not treated as multiple Heal 1’s.

What’s the range on my Heal Ally modifier cards? They have unlimited range, but, as a Heal ability, they are targeted and therefore require Line of Sight to the ally. Remember that you are not your own ally.

Call of the Abyss (1, top) - Can I have more than one character token on an enemy? Not using this card, no. If you choose a different enemy to ‘mark’ on a later attack, first remove your character token from the enemy it’s on and then place it on your new choice.

Call of the Abyss (1, top) - Can I mark an objective with Call to the Abyss? While you could mark it, objectives are destroyed, not killed, so it won’t create a shadow.

Wave of Anguish (X, top) - Can I target a single enemy with all the attacks? Yes, if your Shadows are all adjacent to the same target. You perform a separate Attack 3 ability for each Shadow on the board.

Fluid Night (1, top) - Can this just be used as an Attack 5 without a Shadow token? No. Attacking from a hex with a shadow on this (and all “as if you occupied” attacks) is not optional, nor is removing that shadow.

Fluid Night (1, bot) - If I am standing on a shadow, can I teleport to my own hex? Yes; there is precedent with swapping figures via teleport, so this would work. You’re swapping places with yourself.

Strength of the Abyss (1, bot) - Can I remove a shadow I am using for another action - like the shadow I’m using as my hex for Fluid Night while I’m attacking with Fluid Night? No. You cannot use Strength of the Abyss to remove a shadow that’s being used by the action you’re trying to modify. (“Used by” includes being counted for bonuses, used as an attack origin, removed as a cost, etc. If it’s considered for an action you want to modify in any way, you can’t remove it with Strength of the Abyss.)

Shadow Step (1, top) - Can I open a door with this movement? What happens if opening the door causes something that makes it so I no longer have a shadow for my destination hex? Yes, you can open a door with this action, assuming you have a hex with a shadow to end your move in. If something happens after opening the door which makes it impossible for you to end your move in a shadow, your move ability immediately ends.

Shadow Step (1, top) - Can I choose a path that I know will make it impossible to end in a shadow? Say, into an Immobilize trap? No. You must perform this action “in good faith” with a path that will end your movement in a shadow, given eveerything you know about the current scenario state.


Boneshaper Icon 8.5 Boneshaper

For my “15 Kills” Mastery, what counts as ‘killing’ one of my summons? And do I really need to do it within one scenario? You have specific abilities and attack modifiers (example: Exploding Corpse) which kill one of your summons. It has to be done through these. Unsummoning does not count, moving them into traps does not count, etc. Yes, this needs to be completed in one scenario.

For my “Keep a Summon alive” mastery, can I exhaust mid-scenario? No; the summon needs to survive the entire scenario.

Can I command one of my summons to open a door? No. Unless specific scenario rules state otherwise, only characters can open doors.

How does my Heal 1 modifier card work with the skull? Who gets healed? These are Heal 1, target the Boneshaper. Whether your summons draw this, or you draw it, it heals you. Line of sight is still required from your summon, as Heal is a targeted ability.

Is my “kill the attacking summon to instead add +4” attack modifier mandatory or optional? All non-numeric, non-mandatory portions of an attack modifier card, are optional - including this one. You may choose not to kill the Summon to just use the +1.

Does my summons’ looting count as me looting for battle goals and item use? Yes.

I have questions about the two-mark Dead on Arrival perk…

  • You gain XP and suffer damage, if any, as normal for the summon action.
  • Your Dead on Arrival summon will act immediately before your turn, starting on Round 1 of the scenario.
  • If you use this to summon the Wraith on Angry Spirits, Dark will be infused and is Strong at the start of Round 1.

Exploding Corpse (X) - If the designated Summon is surrounded by Retaliating enemies, can it die before the attack concludes? No. Exploding Corpse isn’t the Summon attacking; it’s the Boneshaper attacking enemies adjacent to the Summon. An enemy’s Retaliate won’t happen unless the Boneshaper themself is within a monster’s Retaliate range.

Putrid Cloud (3) - When does damage happen on the persistent effect? All damage is resolved immediately following each attack. It’s possible for an enemy to die before they complete all of their attacks on a multi-target attack ability.

Endless Numbers (8 top) - If one of my skeletons moves through the Bone Horde, but would not normally end its move there, can I choose to have it end its move early? No. The “may end” verbiage on Bone Horde allows a skeleton end its normal movement in the Bone Horde’s hex, but is not indicating you may choose end its movement early.


Geminate Icon 8.6 Geminate

General Note - Although it can be helpful to think of the Geminate as having two separate hands, they really have only one hand with restrictions on which cards they can play based on their current form. This may help if you’re wondering about losing cards to negate damage, or how rests work out. You still need to bring 7 cards for each form to every scenario.

Do I swap forms if I play a card with the Swap icon but don’t perform any of the abilities on the card? No; changing forms is not an ability itself. You must perform at least one ability on the action.

How do my precise range bands interact with red hex AoE patterns? An enemy must be both within the red hex AoE and within the precise range bands for the attack ability to target them. This is addressed on your character board.

How do items and abilities that increase or decrease range interact with my ‘precise ranges’? They don’t. If your card lists precise ranges (like “only range 3/4”) then it doesn’t do anything at all to it.

Do persistent losses count for my lost card mastery, even if they stay in play? Yes. If you play a persistent loss card, it counts as losing a card for this mastery.

How does my x2 Brittle card work for ambiguity on a disadvantaged draw? The rules treat all non-numeric parts of a modifier card as positive but undefined; there’s no exceptions for negative conditions such as Brittle. This means that a normal x2 is considered “worse” than the x2 Brittle on a disadvantaged draw.

Hornet Stingers (1) - Can I skip the attack, poison an ally, and change forms? No. Any ability which references an attack ability requires that attack ability to have been performed. If you have not attacked, you cannot poison your allies, and cannot shift forms.

Feeding Frenzy (X, bot) - The damage effect is not mandatory. Can I choose not to damage my allies? There is a relevant GH2e rulebook tweak here that should be considered as a Frosthaven ruling. You can’t perform just part of a “sentence.” Because this ability is not mandatory, it can be skipped entirely - but if you perform it, it affects both allies and enemies.

Smoldering Hatred (1) - When do I get Cursed and Muddled? Because this is a ‘cost’, the Curse and Muddle happen before you make any attacks.

Can I Muddle myself if I am already Muddled? Yes. Unless the wording of the card forbids it, you can inflict conditions on yourself that you already have. Note that for conditions like Muddle that last until the end of your next turn, this will reset the timer.

How do cards like Changeling’s Boon work? Do I do all parts of it every round? No. This card, like many other Persistent cards, has both one-time abilities and persistent abilities. For this card, you Bless yourself once. You change form at the end of your turn. After putting it into your Active area, you have an active persistent bonus which lets you convert any element into fire or light at the end of your turns. You can tell which part is persistent by how it’s worded.

Can I use the persistent abilities of Changeling’s Boon or Harvest the Essence to consume an element I infused this turn? Both effects happen at the end of my turn, right? You can only consume an element that was already there at the start of your turn. Elements aren’t moved to Strong until the end of turn wrap-up step. See section 5.5 for discussion.

If I use an item or effect that lets me take another action at the end of my turn, but I have already played an action that would make me Switch Form, which Form is the new card in? Form changes happen during the end of turn wrap-up (see section 5.5). You would still play cards from the form you are presently in.


Astral Icon 8.7 “Astral” or “Moon and Star”

Astral Spoilers

Can you explain how Infusions work? When you consume the required elements and play an Infusion, you get a persistent bonus (listed on the top of the card), and usually an 'on infusion' trigger ability ("When this infusion or another infusion is played..."). The persistent stays in play, and works for as long as the card is in your Active area.

The trigger ability, if there is one, is performed immediately on playing the Infusion, and whenever you play another Infusion.

As an example, I want to play Boon of the Tempest. I consume Wind and any other element to play it. While it's in my active area, I will add +1 move and Jump to all my move abilities for the rest of the scenario. I can also Attack 3 now, because I just played this Infusion.

If, later, I play Caress of the Night (consuming Dark and any other element), I can Strengthen myself (from Caress's on-infusion trigger) and Attack 3 (from Tempest's on-infusion trigger), and that attack will have Wound and Muddle (from Caress's persistent bonus). The order of the trigger abilities is ambiguous, so you can pick any order that suits you.

If I pay the element cost on an active Infusion on a later turn, can I use its activated ability again? No. The elements are consumed when playing the action the first time only.

If I have both Propulsive Tailwind (6) and Boon of the Tempest (1) active, can I resolve the Push/Immobilize between the Attack (from the infusion trigger) and Move (from the Infusion persistent)? Or must the Move immediately follow the Attack? Because the push is a separate ability, the move has to be performed first.

If my Summon is gaining the benefit from Propulsive Tailwind, who controls the extra movement from the Infusion? Your summon will use its Monster AI like normal.

The Animated Claymore from Imbue with Life (X) says it is affected by all your active Infusions. Does this mean it gets the Infusion Triggers too? No; compare to the Spiritbound Falchion from Untether the Shackles (8).

Note on an Interaction with Shackles


Meteor Icon 8.8 “Meteor”

Meteor Spoilers

If I place hazardous terrain on the same hex as an enemy, do they take hazardous terrain damage? Not unless it says so on the card. Hazardous terrain causes damage when a non-flying, non-jumping figure enters the hex.

If I create Hazardous Terrain via an item, does it use my tiles and count against my limit? Yes, all Hazardous Terrain created by you uses your class-specific overlay files and counts towards your limit no matter how it's made.

Cooling (1, bot) - How does this interact with my Move 1 abilities, such as Igneous Path? While a Move 0 is not a Move ability, and no Move ability will actually end up being performed, attempting a Move 1 will use up one slot on Cooling's persistent.

Igneous Path (1, top) - What does "direct path" mean, here? Each hex you choose for the path must be both further away from you, and closer to the destination hex. Think of it like a Push, if that helps, where each hex of the Push must be further from you.

Quenched Rage (1, top) - What happens if an obstacle would be placed in an illegal hex via this action? The hazardous terrain is removed but an obstacle is not created.

Quenched Rage (1, top) - What's the range on the push? It's Range 1

Quenched Rage (1, top) - What does 'through' mean here? It means the enemy both enters and exits a hex as a result of your push action. If the push starts and/or ends on hazardous terrain, it won't trigger the added effects from this card for those hexes.

Quenched Rage (1, top) - How does the doubling damage interact with Brittle or Ward? While normally hazardous terrain damage procs as soon as a figure enters the hex, this card creates an exception to this rule for any figure pushed through a hazardous terrain hex (that is, both entering and exiting). If the figure is Brittle, the first hazardous terrain damage will be doubled twice. If Warded, it will be normal (or doubled and halved if you prefer).

Quenched Rage (1, bot) - Why does this persistent have 4 use slots, but only gives -1 attack to the next three attacks? The 1st, 2nd, and 3rd use slots are for the -1's to attacks. The 4th circle is for the double damage effect, and is not subject to the -1 effect.

Under Pressure (1, top) - What is a "hex with a wall"? This item in the list should simply be read as "walls," and it includes full wall hexes, along with both line borders and partial hexes on the edges of room tiles.

Hardened Spike (3, top) - The use slot track is missing a mandatory symbol, in error. It follows the same rules as all of your other mandatory persistents.

Living Magma (3, top) - This attack ability is made by the characer, not the hazardous terrain, and not 'as if they occupied' the hazardous terrain. The character needs Line of Sight to the targets. These are all considered melee attacks.

Swelter (7, top) - How does this work? - These are ranged attacks are made by the Meteor, not by the (removed) hazardous terrain. The range of 5 should rarely matter, because the hazardous terrain needs to be within range 4. The character needs Line of Sight to all targets, and if the Meteor is adjacent to an enemy, they will have disadvantage on that attack.

What is the timing on my "Place Hazardous Terrain" modifier card? Is it before or after forced movement? Per the chart on page 26, both forced movement and 'other effects' take place after the attack is resolved. They are therefore ambiguous, and the player can choose the order of resolution.

Can I place hazardous terrain from my attack modifier card if the target was killed by the attack's damage? Yes. It is part of the attack ability and thus works even if the enemy dies.

What happens to my Hazardous Terrain if I exhaust? If I have the three-check perk (Dormant Peace), will my Hazardous Terrain remain safe for my allies? Your Hazardous Terrain are overlays and will remain on the map after you exhaust. However, your three-check perk is much like an active effect - if you exhaust, your allies are no longer safe from its effects.

Will my allied summons still treat my Hazardous Terrain as negative if I have the three-check Dormant Peace perk? As long as the perk is active, allied summons will not avoid those hexes; they are no longer negative to your allies. An allied summoner still could not summon into a hazardous terrain hex; they aren't empty.


Shards Icon 8.9 “Shards”

Shards Spoilers

Can I Bless the same character more than once with Shape the Path (3)? Yes, you can.

What is meant by "numeral" for Empowering Note (5, top)? "Numeral" refers only to numbers, not to words. "1" is considered a numeral. "One" is not.

Can I adjust a Default Move or Default Attack with Empowering Note (5)? Yes, you can - they are abilities.

For the top of Unsustainable Wave (6), how much damage did an enemy suffer? Was this the total damage I dealt, including overkill? See Section 5.2 for a discussion on the differences between "damage dealt" and "damage suffered." In short, it's capped by the monster's remaining HP and will not include "overkill" damage.


Trap Icon 8.10 “Trap”

Trap Spoilers

If a monster loses Flying while over an Obstacle, do they take damage? No; they are simply moved to the nearest hex.This is a change from Gloomhaven 1e.

If a monster loses Flying while over a Trap, does the trap trigger? Yes.

How do I track what a Trap does? Per the rulebook on pg 14, you put damage tokens and any added effects as tokens on the trap. For Healing, use the damage tokens on top of one of your positive traps.

Can I end my movement on traps if I have the Careful Footing perk? Yes. You can choose not to spring any trap you move through or end your turn on.

Does replacing a trap, like with Improvised Improvement (X), count as "creating" a trap? Yes; the rulebook defines "replacing" an overlay as first destroying, then creating on page 33.

Can I jump from trap to trap with the top of Spring Loaded (X)? When a movement has Jump, it needs to formally end before you're no longer Jumping, and you can't be Jumping if you want to trigger a trap. So, if a trap is the end of a jump movement, any additional movement gained through Spring Loaded is lost. Note, though, that you can choose not to gain Jump and just gain +2 movement when a trap is triggered like this. So, while you can chain +2 move from one trap to another, you can't chain multiple jumps.

Unavoidable Outcome (2, bot) - Does this trigger on push or pull? Can I quickly discard it if a monster would otherwise trigger a positive trap? Yes and yes.

Dangerous Ground (4, bot) - Do I need to spring all traps with this, or can I pick and choose? Can I spring traps that aren't in range of an ally or enemy? You can pick and choose which traps to spring, one at a time. You can only spring traps that have a figure within range to apply them to.

Can Proficient Hunter's (5) persistent add 2 Damage or Heal 2 to a trap without a Damage or Heal value? How about my "add damage or Heal" attack modifier cards? Yes. Damage or Heal can be added to a trap even if there is no damage or heal value, yet.

What is the timing on Persistent Pitfalls (6, bot)? Can I use this mid-push? "Immediately" does indeed mean "immediately" here and it can be used mid-push.

What is the timing on my "Place a Trap" modifier card? Is it before or after forced movement? Per the chart on page 26, both forced movement and 'other effects' take place after the attack is resolved. They are therefore ambiguous, and the player can choose the order of resolution.

Can I place a trap from my "Place a Trap" modifier card if the target was killed by the attack's damage? Yes. As a modifier card, it's part of the attack ability, and can still reference the enemy's position.


Shackles Icon 8.11 “Shackles”

Shackles Spoilers

For convenience, I am repeating, here, questions from Section 5.2 about damage "suffered" or "would suffer":

I have an ability that references the damage a monster or I have "suffered." Is this the total damage I dealt? No. While there's no cap to damage dealt, "damage suffered" is the result of that damage, after all ward, brittle, or negation - and is capped by the figure's remaining HP. This goes for all figures with HP. Damage suffered is basically the equivalent of moving an hp dial.

I have an ability which refers to the damage a figure "would suffer." Is this likewise capped by the figure's HP? No. "would suffer" isn't capped - it's after shield, ward, brittle, etc., but before any damage is actually suffered.

Can I target a figure immune to a negative condition with an ability like Shared Affliction (bot) which would remove it from me, to give it to them? Yes. It is still removed from you, but the target never gains the condition.

If I use Blood Ritual’s bottom loss, would abilities that require self-inflicting conditions (like some Geminate cards) still work? Yes.

If I have an ability that says I cannot remove my negative conditions (ex: Delayed Malady, bot), am I prevented from using abilities that allow me to remove a condition from myself and give it to another target (ex: Shared Affliction, bot)? If you cannot remove your own conditions, you cannot use these abilities.

Line of Transference (1, top) - If I turn this into a multi-target attack, what happens? The condition you remove is applied to all targets.

Line of Transference (1, top) - If I am muddled, will the muddle be removed before or after the attack? It will be removed before the attack. Note that if you are disarmed or stunned, you can't initiate the attack ability in the first place.

Delayed Malady (1, bot) - How does the timing on this work, exactly? If I dismiss this persistent, when do my conditions fall off? "End of turn" conditions, like Disarm and Muddle, will fall off during your next "end of turn wrap-up" step. If it is dismissed before your turn, or at any time during your turn, these conditions will fall off at the end of your turn as they usually would.

Delayed Malady (1, bot) - How does this interact with Curses? This has no effect on incoming curses. You'd still add a curse card to your deck if you are the target of a curse ability.

Blood Ritual (1, bot) - is the condition still considered caused by the monster who performed the ability? Yes. This can be relevant for some items.

Burned at Both Ends (3) and Chained by Spite (5) - If I'm brittled or warded, how much damage does the enemy take? The enemy takes as much damage as you actually suffered. So, if you are Brittle and choose to suffer 4 with 'Burned', you will suffer 8 and so will your target. Likewise, if you are Warded and choose to suffer 4 (the maximum), you and the target will both actually suffer 2.

Reprisal (3), top is missing a Round Bonus symbol.

Wracked with Pain (8), top - Can I skip the Wound? Yes. You can just Stun (and potentially Brittle).

The End of Everything (9), top - Do I still have my conditions when I make these attacks? Yes. It happens before you exhaust.


Snowflake Icon 8.12 “Snowflake”

Snowflake Spoilers

Am I limited on the amount of Hazardous Terrain I can generate? No; use any suitable overlay tiles.

If I draw multiple Heal Ally modifier draws, do they combine into one heal, or is each one separate? They all combine into one heal ability, but you can either combine them to heal one ally, or split them up to heal two or more. All heals to one ally are combined into a single heal, and are not treated as multiple Heal 1's.

What's the range on my Heal Ally modifier cards? They have unlimited range, but, as a Heal, they are targeted and therefore require Line of Sight.

For my first Mastery, what does "cause ... to move" mean? It means an ally or enemy has moved at least 1 hex as a result of your ability, when they otherwise could not have. It includes both forced movement and granted movement. Bonuses to move abilities do not count towards this.

My second mastery says, "Ensure the first ally to suffer damage each round, directly before suffering the damage, has at least one condition you applied.” If none of my allies take damage at all this scenario, do I succeed? Yes, just like you would for a Battle Goal involving Rests if you didn’t Rest at all.

Will a Pull or Push 0 trigger Chilling Impact’s (1) effect? No. Not only is this forbidden by the card text, but Push 0 and Pull 0 have been ruled as 'not forced movement'.

Biting Frost (4, top) - Who is consuming Ice here, Snowflake or the target? Who gets the XP? All element consumptions on Grant abilities are performed by the Granter (here, Snowflake), while the effects and any added abilities are still performed by the Grantee. Snowflake gets the XP.

How does the wind consumption ability on Storm Wall (7) work? Does it include the attack's red hexes? No. It only damages hexes directly outside the AoE pattern. It is a separate ability (as denoted by the line), so it is possible to force move enemies outside of the pattern before the damage ability.


Fist Icon 8.13 “Fist”

Fist Spoilers

What is the timing on my "Place Icy Terrain" modifier card? Is it before or after forced movement? Per the chart on page 26, both forced movement and 'other effects' take place after the attack is resolved. They are therefore ambiguous, and the player can choose the order of resolution.

When I place an Icy Terrain tile 'adjacent' to my target, can I place it underneath them? No; while some class abilities offer exceptions to this rule, a monster’s own hex is not adjacent to the monster for your abilities' targeting.

Can I place icy terrain from my attack modifier card if the target was killed by the attack's damage? Yes. An attack modifier card is part of the attack ability, not a subsequent ability. It will function even if the enemy dies.

"Sure Footing" Perk - do you get the +1 Move if you jump over the icy terrain? You do not gain the move bonus while jumping, because this perk replaces the normal effect of icy terrain for you. If you are jumping, icy terrain has no effect on you to replace.

Frost Eruption (1, top) - Can I just use this to make Icy Terrain and get my Ice infusion, without attacking any enemy? No. Any abilities which refer to an attack pattern require that attack ability to have been performed.

With One with the Mountain (1, top) If I take damage, when do I get Regenerate back? It's immediate. You always have Regenerate while the card is in play. If you lose it, you immediately regain it, no matter when that occurs.


Kelp Icon 8.14 “Kelp” (or “Seaweed”)

Kelp Spoilers

General note - Several of your abilities trigger on a "kill." Note that objectives are destroyed, not killed, so will not trigger your on-kill effects.

Does Ink Cloud’s (1) bottom action also affect enemies? Does it affect me? As a positive effect targeting all within range, it affects you and all your allies in range. It does not make enemies invisible.

Can I poison multiple enemies in one turn with the persistent of Skull Collection (1)? Yes as long as you have enough trophies.


Coral Icon 8.15 “Coral” (or “Anemone”)

Coral Spoilers

Do I need to discard all my Tides on any rest, or only when I'm forced to rest due to running out of cards? The board is being a bit poetic and not literal, here - Active Tides are discarded on any of your rests, even if you still have cards in hand. (Cards with Tides on them in your hand and lost piles stay where they are.)

Does a Tide card that infuses an element generate an element every turn? No, Infusions only occur when a card is played.

Rising Flood (1, bot) - Can I use this as just a Move 3 without a water tile to designate? Yes; this action says you do this and do that, not do this to to that.

Smashing Torrent (2) - Does the Tide effect trigger when an ally grants me a move ability? Yes; this happens on a different turn, and it’s still you taking a move ability.


Prism Icon 8.16 “Prism” (or “Diamond”)

Prism Spoilers

Do I gain XP from the card I play for my initial Mode? Yes.

If I have a Summon flying over an Obstacle, can I transfer to them? No, unless HIVE is also flying. Transfer uses the Teleport keyword, which specifies you must have a valid destination hex which you can occupy.

Is my first perk a misprint? No. It thins your deck by removing both your -2 and a +1.

If one of my summons draws a "+0, grant one of your summons Move 2" modifier card, what happens? When cards refer to specific class mechanics, they always benefit the owner of the modifier card. In this case, the HIVE can grant one of their summons a Move 2.

If one of my summons draws a "+1, after this attack ability, transfer" modifier card, what happens? When cards refer to specific class mechanics, they always benefit the owner of the modifier card. In this case, the HIVE can transfer.

Follow up to the above: Let's say I have an active summon (in Active Slot 1) and my current Mode (in Active Slot 2). Summon 1 draws the Transfer attack modifier card, and I transfer to it once its attack ability completes. Because I transferred, I place the Summon from Active Slot 2 in my previous location. Will Summon 2 get a turn Yes, absolutely.

Can I declare an initiative value outside the normal 01-99 range with my Remote Override perk? No, it needs to be within a normal 01-99 range. You can, if you wish, use items to increase it or decrease it from your declared value.

Launch Pod (1) - Does my target need to survive for me to play a Summon? - No. You can summon even if the target dies. (Note - this is not well-supported with the game's present rules and current card syntax, but has been ruled this way for thematic reasons.)

Coiled Limbs - Leaper summon (1) - If the Leaper cannot reach its focus, will it attack another enemy it ends its movement adjacent to? No. Absent specific rules on an ability card, there's no general provisions for monsters to attack enemies other than their focus.

How is the furthest enemy determined? It is determined first by longest movement distance to a valid attack hex, and then by longest range distance. Afterwards, the initiative tiebreaker is as usual. It will move towards its focus like any other monster with a Jump movement would.

Long Range Missile (2) Add the following sentence to the end: "If this damage was from an attack that had any additional conditions or effects, you are subject to them instead." This resolves some potentially weird situations regarding conditions like Poison or Curse, or Pushes/Pulls. If, for example, your Summon has been damaged by an Attack 3 Poison, you would be Poisoned. If your Summon is going to be Pushed, you will be Pushed instead.

Long Range Missile (2) - If I use the bottom action here, and Transfer after an attack where a Living Bones has drawn its "attack one enemy" card, will the remaining attacks fail? Yes. The Living Bones's focus is no longer in melee range.

Long Range Missile (2) - If I have the bottom action prepared, and a Shrike Fiend damages all enemies within X hexes, what happens if I Transfer to my summon after it takes damage? Targets are chosen sequentially, not all at once. First, when your Summon would take damage, you'll take that damage -1. Then, you will take the damage because you're a valid target. Then, if your previous Mode summon was in the damage radius, it will take damage, as well.

Mortar Shells (7) - If I grant this summon a melee attack, does it get this AoE pattern? No. This red hex pattern only works on ranged attacks. It will work if you grant it a ranged attack.

Swarming Bulwark (8) - how does the Shield Spider choose its target for Ward? It will choose itself if it does not already have Ward; or if it does, it will choose the closest ally that does not already have Ward. The HIVE player resolves ties.


Drill Icon 8.17 “Drill”

Drill Spoilers

General Note on Pressure Changes - Pressure changes are not standalone abilities. They are mandatory if you perform any part of the action or ability they are attached to. They are not "costs" - you can perform any ability your current pressure allows, even if you can't execute the pressure change afterwards. (For example, if you are at Low Pressure, you can still use actions which would make you lose pressure.)

For the three-mark perk, does “losing all your cards” include any that you were about to play? Yes.

When do my pressure changes happen? Per the board text, when each Action (that is, one card half) fully resolves.

Can I use the top of Curious Gear (1) to destroy a trap even if there's no enemy to spring it on? No. It needs to be applied to an enemy.

Beam Axe (1, bot) - When do these pressure effects trigger? The over-pressure effect doesn't need any adjacent enemies because damage is not targeted. If you are over-pressure, you will always gain xp and lose pressure. The Low Pressure heal is targeted, so the pressure change and XP will only trigger if you have an ally in range to heal.

Steel Piston (1, top) - When do these pressure changes happen? - When you use the attack bonus, this pressure change happens along with any other pressure changes at the end of the action you're performing. The timing is ambiguous, so this can be before or after the rest of the pressure changes.

In Bronze Plating (2 top), what effects are persistent? The shield and inability to move are both persistent. Shields always last as long as a card is active, and the mandatory box is phrased as an ongoing effect. The pressure check, xp, regenerate, and pressure change are a one-time effect and resolved when the card is played.

Unstable Core (9, bot) - Is there anything stopping me from discarding the card before taking this damage? No, there isn't. It does synergize well with Radiation, though, of course.


9.0 Items (General)

Can potions be sold, or only distilled? Potions can be sold for 4 or 6 gold, depending on how many herbs were used to brew them.

What happens if I gain an item I can’t gain? Say, because all copies of it are owned by other party members? The rule about duplicate item sales has been expanded to cover this situation. Instead of “When a character gains another copy of an item they already own, they must sell it immediately” it’s expanded to, “When a character gains an item they cannot gain (for any reason), they must sell it immediately.”

I have an item that allows me to gain a Resource during a scenario. Do I get to keep this even if we lose the scenario? Only if you return to Frosthaven. If you retry the scenario, they are lost like other Resources.

I have an item (such as a Crude Helm) that modifies the monster’s attack modifier draw. How does that work if the monster has Advantage or Disadvantage? The effects of the item should be applied before the modifier is chosen. This is a change from a Gloomhaven 1e FAQ ruling.

Will my Spent item with use slots recover its uses if I Long Rest before all of the charges are expended? Yes, Spent items recover all their use slots whenever they are recovered, whether as part of a long rest or an item recovery ability. A Lost item will not recover its charges on a long rest; it would only recover its charges when you use an ability that can recover Lost items. This is a change from Gloomhaven 1e.

Can I use an item in the middle of my move or attack ability? Only if it is not itself an ability, and it says something like “during your move ability.” If an item allows you to perform another ability (like healing, damaging, destroying an obstacle, etc.), you need to finish your ability first. See below for a more detailed answer. This is a change from a Gloomhaven 1e FAQ ruling.

When is item usage an ability? The following are Abilities as defined in the Frosthaven rulebook - Move, Teleport, Attack, Conditions (positive or negative), Heal, Forced Movement, Loot, Suffer Damage (self, allies, or enemies), Recover (cards or items), Commanding Figures, Manipulating Tiles, and Active Bonuses. Active Bonuses take some interpretation for items because there’s not always a Round or Persistent icon, but this was largely for graphic design reasons - making it less clear, which is why this is complicated. If an Item gives a turn-long, round-long, or persistent bonus such as “add Jump to all your move abilities”, it is itself an ability. If it says something more along the lines of “during your attack” or “during your move” or “on the next attacks targeting you” it’s not an active bonus with any kind of duration, and therefore not an ability. This distinction is important because you generally can’t interrupt your ability with another ability.

Basically, if an item only makes sense if used within another ability or in reaction to one, that’s how it’s supposed to work and it’s not an ability. If it makes sense used independently, it probably is an ability.

Can I use an item during my Start of Turn phase? For example, can I use a Circlet of Life to heal a Wound before I take damage from it? Generally, no; items with a timing of “during your turn” cannot be used in the Start of Turn phase.


9.1 Items (Specific)

Items are listed by their item number.

Item 004 Crude Hide Armor - Will this armor influence monster behavior? For example, if an adjacent monster makes a ranged attack against me, will it stay adjacent instead of moving away? No. The Armor gives the attack disadvantage after the attack is initiated, so it is not considered for monster behavior at all. The same logic holds when it is selecting targets on a multi-target attack.

Item 005 Crude Boots - Can I use these to improve a Move ability I grant to my summon or another ally? No. Granted abilities are performed by the ally you grant them to. This holds for all similar items.

Item 006 Flexible Slippers - Can I use these to “loot” an adjacent hex without loot tokens or treasure instead of my own hex that does? Yes; Loot isn’t a targeted ability, and end-of-turn looting isn’t an ability at all. If I still have Flexible Slippers available when I take a Long Rest, can I use them and immediately recover them to have them available after my rest? No. End-of-turn looting happens after refreshing items.

If I am Impaired or Stunned, will the condition expire before end-of-turn looting? As long as you were impaired or stunned before your turn, it expires at ambiguous timing with end-of-turn looting. So, you can choose for the condition to expire first.

Item 013 -

Item 026 -

Item 033 -

Item 034 -

Item 044 -

Item 046 -

Item 047 -

Item 049, 1st Printing Errata -

Item 076 -

Item 077 -

Item 078 -

Item 084 -

Item 093 -

Item 098 Spoilers

Unhealthy Mixture - If I have the Level 2 Alchemist, can I distill the Unhealthy Mixture? What happens? For the Unhealthy Mixture, you can distill it into any herb of a type whose window for this potion has been revealed. If you’ve only combined two Rockroots and two Snowthistles, you can only distill it into one of those two ingredients. While the game does not 'remember' which specific ingredients your original potion was made from, the alchemy board does.

This item has no cost in the card. Can I just take it whenever I want for free? No. Potion costs are set by the alchemy board, not the item card.

I don't get it, this item is terrible. This can be used for crafting certain items, and has a few other uses. It can also be distilled to 'transform' herbs as described above.

Item 109 -

Item 110 -

Item 113 -

Item 115 -

Item 119 -

Item 124 Winged Shoes - Can I use this in the middle of a move if I suddenly need or want to jump? No; using Winged Shoes is an ability, and therefore can’t be performed in the middle of another ability. Please see the general item rules, above.

Item 180 -

Item 181 -

Item 188 -

Item 192 -

Item 209 -

Item 218 -

Item 219 -

Item 225, 1st Printing Errata

Item 226 -

Item 242 -

Item 244 Spoilers

Ember Energy Source - I have an action that lets me repeat one or several abilities multiple times. Will this modify all instances of these, or just one? Just one. This item affects one ability, not the entire action - even if an ability gets repeated.

Can this apply to modifications to abilities, or only the base values? This can only apply to the base values of an ability; it will not apply to anything with "+x." An example would be something like Deathwalker (1) Anger of the Dead. You could not change the conditional text so it adds +2 attack for each Shadow removed.

Item 245 -

Item 246 -

Item 253 -

Item 259 -